Natural Spider Control: Eco-friendly Tactics to Keep Spiders Away from Your Home

wolf spider, close-up

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Got a mob of spiders trying to bunk down in your home, mate? Been caught up in that webby predicament myself. There are over 35,000 species of spiders worldwide and the cheeky little blighters often fancy our homes as their own.

Don’t spit the dummy though! This article is here to guide you through nature’s pest control methods so we can give those eight-legged intruders the boot together. Keen on a spider-free dwelling? Let’s crack on then!

Key Takeaways

  • Use white vinegar and citrus fruits like lemon or orange as natural spider repellents by spraying them around corners, windows, and doorways.
  • Mint leaves or peppermint essential oil can also be used as a spray to keep spiders away from your home.
  • Sprinkle diatomaceous earth in areas where spiders are likely to enter, such as windowsills and door frames, to dehydrate and repel them.
  • Incorporate cedar chips or cedar oil near entry points to deter spiders from entering your home.

Natural Spider Repellents

In the following section, we will delve into various effective natural spider repellents that are safe and straightforward to apply within household settings. Each of these measures aims to deter spiders without resorting to harsh or harmful chemicals.

These solutions can often be implemented using readily available household items, making them a convenient choice for many homeowners. Plus, we will provide step-by-step guidance on how to most effectively use these natural repellents to maintain a spider-free living space.


White Vinegar

White vinegar is a simple and effective solution for spider control. Its strong smell discourages these pests from making themselves at home in your living spaces. Mix one part white vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle, then spritz it around corners, window sills, doorways, and other areas where spiders commonly nest or enter from.

It’s important to repeat this process regularly for better results. Besides being an efficient repellent, white vinegar also cleans and deodorises surfaces making it a multifunctional tool in your natural pest control regimen.


Citrus fruits, such as lemons and oranges, can be an effective natural spider deterrent. Spiders dislike the strong scent of citrus, which makes it a great option for keeping them away from your home.

You can use citrus in various ways to repel spiders – one way is by placing slices of lemon or orange near entry points like doors and windows. Another option is to make a homemade spider-repellent spray by mixing lemon or orange essential oil with water in a spray bottle and spraying it around your house.

The fresh scent of citrus will not only keep spiders at bay but also leave your home smelling pleasant.

Using citrus as a natural spider repellent is an eco-friendly tactic that is safe for both humans and pets. It offers a non-toxic alternative to chemical-based sprays, making it ideal for those who prefer natural pest control methods.


Mint is a natural spider deterrent that can help you keep spiders away from your home. You can use mint leaves or peppermint essential oil to create a spray. Simply mix the oil with water in a spray bottle and apply it around windows, doors, and other areas where spiders tend to enter.

Spiders dislike the strong scent of mint, so they are less likely to make their way into your home. Using mint as a spider repellent is an eco-friendly tactic that can effectively keep spiders at bay without using harmful chemicals.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth is a highly effective natural spider repellent. It works by causing spiders to dehydrate and die, making it a great long-term solution for keeping them away from your home.

To use diatomaceous earth, simply sprinkle it in areas where spiders are likely to enter, such as windowsills and door frames. You can also apply it around the perimeter of your house to create a barrier that spiders won’t want to cross.

Just be sure to reapply after rain or heavy moisture since diatomaceous earth loses its effectiveness when wet. This environmentally-friendly option is safe for both humans and pets, making it an ideal choice for homeowners looking for non-toxic spider control methods.


Cedar is a great natural spider deterrent that can help keep spiders away from your home. Spiders dislike the smell of cedar, so using cedar chips or cedar oil in areas where spiders are likely to enter can be effective.

You can place cedar chips around windows and doors, or spray diluted cedar oil around these areas. Another option is to use cedar sachets in closets and storage spaces to repel spiders.

Overall, incorporating cedar into your pest control strategy can be an eco-friendly way to keep spiders at bay.

Eco-Friendly Tactics to Keep Spiders Away

To keep spiders away from your home, take eco-friendly measures such as removing webs, filling in gaps, limiting lighting, maintaining a clean house, and using essential oils and herbs.


Remove webs

To keep spiders away from your home, it’s important to regularly remove their webs. Webs not only attract more spiders but can also make your space look messy. Take a broom or vacuum cleaner and carefully eliminate any spider webs you see in corners, ceilings, or other hidden spaces.

By doing this regularly, you’ll be minimising the chances of spiders taking up residence in your home.

Fill in gaps

To keep spiders away from your home, it’s important to fill in any gaps or cracks where they can enter. Inspect the exterior of your house for openings around windows, doors, and pipes.

Seal these gaps with caulk or weather stripping to prevent spiders from finding their way inside. Pay attention to areas where cables and wires enter your home as well. By filling in these gaps, you’ll create a barrier that makes it difficult for spiders to invade your living space.

Limit lighting

To keep spiders away from your home, it’s important to limit lighting. Spiders are attracted to bright lights at night, so try keeping outdoor lights off or using low-wattage bulbs.

This will help reduce the number of flying insects that might attract spiders. Inside your home, consider using blinds or curtains at night and minimising the use of bright lights in areas where you’ve noticed spider activity.

By reducing lighting, you can make your home less appealing to spiders and discourage them from making themselves at home.

Maintain a clean house

We must maintain a clean house to keep spiders away. Regularly cleaning and decluttering our homes helps to eliminate hiding places for spiders. Vacuuming and sweeping floors, dusting surfaces, and wiping down countertops can remove spider webs and eggs.

Keeping the area free from food crumbs also prevents attracting other pests that spiders may prey on. Additionally, it is important to seal any cracks or gaps in walls, windows, and doors to prevent spiders from entering our homes.

By taking these simple steps, we can create an environment that is less inviting to spiders and reduce their presence in our living spaces.

Use essential oils and herbs

Using essential oils and herbs is a natural and eco-friendly way to keep spiders away from your home. Certain scents are known to repel spiders, making them a great addition to your spider control tactics.

Peppermint essential oil, for example, can be diluted with water and sprayed around windows, doors, and other potential entry points to deter spiders from coming inside. You can also place cinnamon candles or eucalyptus oil in areas where you’ve noticed spider activity.

Lemon or orange oil can be mixed with water and used as a spray on surfaces like baseboards or corners where spiders tend to hide. Incorporating these essential oils and herbs into your spider prevention routine is an effective way to naturally keep spiders at bay without the use of harmful chemicals.

Other Natural Ways to Repel Spiders

There are several natural ways to repel spiders from your home. One such method is the use of sticky traps, which are highly effective in catching and removing spiders from your vicinity. A more unorthodox method involves using a salt spray, which is another viable means to repel spiders. Spiders are notably sensitive to the abrasive texture of salt which deters their advance.

Additionally, another well-documented spider deterrent is rolling tobacco. Spiders have been found to show aversion to the smell and taste of nicotine, making this an equally efficient method. These various natural means can help maintain a spider-free environment at home, without resorting to chemical approaches.


Sticky traps

Sticky traps are a highly effective method for capturing and controlling spiders in your home. These traps consist of adhesive surfaces that spiders get stuck on when they walk over them.

Simply place the sticky traps along baseboards, in corners, or near areas where you have noticed spider activity. The traps will attract and trap the spiders, preventing them from roaming around your house.

Sticky traps are a non-toxic and eco-friendly option for spider control, making them a popular choice among homeowners and pest inspectors alike. Remember to regularly check and replace the traps as needed to ensure their effectiveness in keeping your home spider-free.

Salt spray

Salt spray is another effective natural way to repel spiders from your home. Simply mix salt with water in a spray bottle and apply it around doorways, windows, and other entry points where spiders may sneak in.

The salty solution creates an inhospitable environment for spiders, making them less likely to linger or build webs in those areas. Regularly spraying salt water can help keep your home spider-free without the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides.

So grab a spray bottle, mix up some salt water, and give those eight-legged intruders a salty surprise!

Rolling tobacco

We can also use rolling tobacco as a natural way to repel spiders. The strong scent of the tobacco acts as a deterrent, keeping the arachnids away from your home. Simply place small amounts of rolling tobacco in corners and other areas where spiders are likely to enter or build their webs.

This eco-friendly method is a great alternative for those who prefer not to use chemicals or pesticides in their spider control efforts. By using rolling tobacco, you can effectively keep spiders at bay while maintaining an environmentally conscious approach.

Call Us!

By utilising natural spider repellents such as white vinegar, citrus, mint, diatomaceous earth, and cedar, you can effectively deter spiders from invading your home.

Additionally, implementing eco-friendly tactics like removing webs, filling in gaps, limiting lighting, maintaining a clean house, and using essential oils and herbs will help keep spiders at bay.

With these methods in place, you can create a spider-free environment without the use of harmful chemicals.

If professional services are necessary due to the extent of the issue, do not hesitate to call our team of experts!